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Auto Inspections Qld offers a convenient mobile service at your fingertips.

Selling a car can be exciting, tiring and chaotic; whether you're upgrading or investing elsewhere Auto Inspections Qld can help, offering a convenient mobile service.

A Safety Certificate / Roadworthy Certificate will take approximately 40-50 minutes, depending on the make & model of the vehicle. At the completion of the inspection a detailed written report will be comprised. If the vehicle fails inspection, you have fourteen days to rectify the problem and give our team a call to book a re-inspection.

Here are some tips from Queensland Transport;

Find out about registering a vehicle in Queensland, including costs, how to register, registration requirements, transferring or cancelling registration and getting roadworthy and safety certificates. Click here for more info

Find out about buying and selling a car in Queensland—including vehicle inspections, modifications and accessories, vehicle history checks and warranties. Click here for more info

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    Call 1300 002 032 for a FREE Quote NOW or

    Buyer Obligations (light vehicles up to 4.5tonne GVM)
    • Registration transfers cannot be processed without a valid Safety Certificate. It is recommended the buyer checks the expiration on the Safety Certificate before finalising the sale.
    • If buying a unregistered vehicle, there is no legal requirement for sellers to provide a Safety Certificate/Roadworthy. It is, however, in the buyer's best interest to request one or have one undertaken before any purchase is made.
    Seller Obligations (light vehicles up to 4.5tonne GVM)
    • When selling your vehicle privately, the Safety Certificate/Roadworthy Certificate is valid for 2 months or 2,000km (whichever occurs first).
    • If you are a dealer, Safety Certificates/Roadworthy Certificates are valid for 3 months or 1,000km (whichever occurs first).
    • The seller is legally required to provide the buyer with a Safety Certificate and cover any repair costs that may be necessary.
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